Sunday, June 21, 2009

Girls of Color Need Sports By Nina Jacinto

Looking back @ my childhood and even now, I can recall always doing a sport. Those are my fondest memories, playing in a team, the pressure for victory lol having blacks and blues, and scratches everywhere ...But i have realized that not alot of young have access to sports , and even looking back i think there could have been more support for me to do sports but there when reading this article it made sense..and i figure i share with ya...

Last week the New York Times reported on how young girls of color in metropolitan public schools don’t have the same access to participating in sports as young boys. This is in part because public schools that are low on funding cannot afford to support after-school sports and physical education programs, nor can their students necessarily pay for the cost of sports gear and uniforms.

But the disparity in girls’ participation in sports is also due in part to low-income or immigrant families who rely on their girls to be at home and baby-sit, or help with chores. These families are unable to see sports participation as anything other than a luxury. The article reports on girls who are eager to be involved in school sports but are prohibited from attending away games or regularly attending practice....
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Girls of Color Need Sports

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