Friday, June 26, 2009

Poem by Athena Jones

Poem by Athena Jones; June 23, 2009
Title: Is it possible to be successful and not achieve your Dream?

It is possible to be successful and not achieve your Dream?

I believe Dreams have not changed.
Being able to believe regardless of outcome.
Seeing the wind take success,
whisping it away like grains of sand
Martyred futures littered like sun bleached bovine skulls

But those who brandish survival continue
Like purple hearted heroes of this war
Each transporting dreams like precious cargo
Like Hope, shhh be quiet, we'll only be here for a minute
And Destiny, honey, I know we have walked far but we have to keep going
And Courage, sweetheart you are doing so well,
And Heart, I know the water is low but let the ninos drink.

Determined and Validated by destiny
Educated in spite of circumstances
Hard work of generations spoken with every word
And daring to change a system determined to handcuff futures
Ultimately judging futures without 9 digit numbers

Precious cargo, continue to be recognized!
Your success honored like metals of valor
And Demand of your dreams, you will not make it fade America!
Else, your future too, will gasp for its last breathe.

Wield your dreams close, armoring her against Dream killers.
Making it known to all,
I am personifying the American Dream!
Knowing it will happen
And when they ask you,
Is it possible to achieve your Dream and not be successful?
And I will say,

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