Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ecomy and Sonia G

So recession has ultimately gotten to Sonia...def. being an actvisit, artist, and Dream Act advocate doesnt pay my bills---lol I always said I wont ever get a job cuz I want a career. And I still uphold to that...

Although my phone is off (verizon is waiting for a $690 payment) , had to book a Boltbus for my two upcoming trips to DC, havent updated my closet, I'm all out of paint, I cant purchase some tickets to hear Cornell speak,even though metrocards are taking all my money, and I'm almost all done with my Mac lipgloss..I still uphold to that. I love what I do, yes it may not pay me trillion of $$ but I dont do what I do for money. Bills need to get paid, and I need to maintain myself but things work out somehow I will make some money but not in exhange of my values and what I love to do.....

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