Thursday, August 13, 2009


I am not one to read and believe what the horoscope says (well I stopped reading it ever since my bday June 18, IDK why but I just felt like I'm gonna dance to the beat of my own drum)..but for somereason I took a look at what todays gemini's thing said : "Although this day won't be jam-packed with excitement, you won't be bored for a minute. Your regular routine holds quite a few interesting (if subtle) nuances today. You may feel inspired to try a new creative experience to stimulate your day and get some juices flowing. A trip to a museum, art supply store or even an artsy coffee shop would be a great way to while away a free hour ... you're in the right frame of mind to see visual expression in a whole new way. "---well funny thing cuz I had planned last night to go to El Barrio Museum today lol...

Well I want to know why do ppl read horoscopes? Do we need to rely on a predestined definition of how our day is going to be? Is it that we are so scary of the future that we need some type of insight about whats to come?...hmmm

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