Crossing Midnight
"Crossing Midnight" tells the story of a remarkable community of refugees from Burma working against incredible odds to help their own. During the violent crackdown of the 1988 student uprising, Dr. Cynthia Maung and a group of fellow students fled to the border of Thailand. There, with virtually nothing in hand, they created the Mae Tao Clinic in a one-room barn. Today, in the midst of an unparalleled healthcare crisis, the clinic has grown into a community of over 500 healthcare workers, a school for refugee children and a dedicated group of cross-border backpack medics.
More info. go to
Soundtrack For A Revolution
Director/writer: Bill Guttentag, Dan Sturman
"SOUNDTRACK FOR A REVOLUTION tells the story of the American civil rights movement through its powerful music -the freedom songs protesters sang on picket lines, in mass meetings, in paddy wagons, and in jail cells as they fought for justice and equality.
The film features new performances of the freedom songs by top artists, including John Legend, Joss Stone, Wyclef Jean, and The Roots; riveting archival footage; and interviews with civil rights foot soldiers and leaders, including Congressman John Lewis, Harry Belafonte, Julian Bond, and Ambassador Andrew Young.
The freedom songs evolved from slave chants, from the labor movement, and especially from the black church. The music enabled blacks to sing words they could not say, and it was crucial in helping the protesters as they faced down brutal aggression with dignity and non-violence. The infectious energy of the songs swept people up and empowered them to fight for their rights.
SOUNDTRACK FOR A REVOLUTION celebrates the vitality of this music. Directed by Bill Guttentag and Dan Sturman (Nanking), and executive produced by Danny Glover, SOUNDTRACK FOR A REVOLUTION is a vibrant blend of heart-wrenching interviews, dramatic images, and thrilling contemporary performances -- a film of significance, energy, and power."
Garbage Dreams
Filmed over four years, GARBAGE DREAMS follows three teenage boys Adham, a bright precocious 17 year old; Osama, a charming impish 16 year old; Nabil, a shy artistic 18 year old born into the trash trade and growing up in the worlds largest garbage village, a ghetto located on the outskirts of Cairo. It is a world folded onto itself, an impenetrable labyrinth of narrow roadways camouflaged by trash; it is the home to 60,000 'Zaballeen'(or 'Zabbaleen'), arabic for garbage people
The Sari Soldiers
A film by Julie Bridgham
Filmed over three years during the most historic and pivotal time in Nepals modern history, The Sari Soldiers is an extraordinary story of six womens courageous efforts to shape Nepals future in the midst of an escalating civil war against Maoist insurgents, and the Kings crackdown on civil liberties. When Devi, mother of a 15-year-old girl, witnesses her niece being tortured and murdered by the Royal Nepal Army, she speaks publicly about the atrocity. The army abducts her daughter in retaliation, and Devi embarks on a three-year struggle to uncover her daughters fate and see justice done.
Sweet Crude
See the story of the participants of the 2008 "oil war" in Nigeria.
In the summer of 2008, militants from the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) declared an "oil war" in Nigeria. This was one of the biggest spikes yet on a radar screen dotted with conflict and tragedy. "Sweet Crude" is the story of the Niger Delta; of the villagers of Oporoza, headquarters of the insurgency; and of members of the armed resistance who, in the three years since the filmmakers met them as college students, became the young men of MEND.
DIRT!The Movie
"DIRT! The Movie" tells the compelling story of humans and dirt--from Dirt's point of view. In the beginning, Dirt and humans celebrate their union with grateful rituals and nurture a loving fruitful relationship. But as humans turn greedy and indifferent, they begin to slash away at forests, strip the land and level mountain ranges. When Dirt can no longer produce what humans need, they add chemicals that turn Dirt into something dirty. Now, Dirt must search for those select humans interested in saving their relationship, and all of humanity, before it's too late.
Tapped Water
Is access to clean drinking water a basic human right, or a commodity that should be bought and sold like any other article of commerce? Stephanie Soechtig's debut feature, Tapped, is an unflinching examination of the big business of bottled water. From the producers of "Who Killed the Electric Car?" and "I.O.U.S.A.," this timely documentary is a behind-the-scenes look into the unregulated and unseen world of an industry that aims to privatize and sell back the one resource that ought never become a commodity: our water.
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